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Looking for safety?

Is this a track from the 1980s? Current inflation rates are certainly taking a page out of the 1980s playbook. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that inflation was at 6.9% in 2021. Inflation is back but not for the same reasons as the 1980s. A combination of easy money policy, government spending, supply chain issues, energy economics, as well as post covid spending are all contributing factors.The shock of inflation has forced the Fed to make some aggressive monetary policy moves. The Fe...

May 12, 2022

What does war and geopolitical risk mean for my financial plan?

Headlines, trends, conflict, and the natural progression of the economic cycle can leave us wanting to get off the sometimes-wild ride of equities. In uncertain times, we should take a step back and reassess our financial priorities and take stock of true economic impact. The events unfolding in Ukraine are tragic. The implications of this war will have long-lasting humanitarian and economic consequences. Our modern-day view of globalization is forever changed. From a real economic output perspe...

March 17, 2022

Tax filing checklist

The basics:W-2 forms 1099-MISC forms for independent contractor income 1099-G forms for unemployment income, and/or state or local tax refunds 1099-INT, 1099-DIV for interest and dividend income 1099-B for capital gain/loss Most CPAs will ask for a copy of last year’s tax return Record of estimated tax payments (if applicable) Retirees:SSA-1099: Social Security benefits received 1099-R, Form 8606 for payments/distributions from IRAs or retirement plans Business, Property & Miscellaneous:1099-S...

March 17, 2022

Get a handle on current market volatility

The ebbs and flows of the market, although uncomfortable, are a normal part of the economic and market cycle.So why does this feel different? Despite some setbacks at the onset of the pandemic, US equity markets in recent history have been consistently positive. The last significant shock to the financial system occurred over a decade ago. Think back to the financial crisis. That is the last time the S&P 500 had losses in one year (2008) of over 30%. Since then, there have only been two yea...

February 2, 2022

Reducing Financial Anxiety

A New Year can be exciting but daunting for many as the reality of financial burdens set in. Financial stress is defined as the emotional tension and helplessness one can feel specifically related to money matters. Financial stress can lead to strains on your relationships, depression and anger.So how can we better prepare for and cope with financial stresses as they come our way? 1. Align with your partner on spending and savings goals by being transparent. As you create a plan provide for some...

February 2, 2022

Giving Tuesday

I personally love Giving Tuesday because it puts the spotlight on organizations that are left out of quarterly earnings calls: nonprofits. It is not always easy making a list of nonprofits to donate to. In the theme of giving back this Tuesday I want to provide some helpful tips. Often, there is hesitation when making gifts to charities because we don’t know where to give or assume the amount is not significant enough — but what I love about numbers is that it is not about the amount tha...

November 30, 2021

Protecting your family through uncertainty

A common question I get from clients, centers around their need for life insurance. The answer depends on a variety of factors including dependents, income, total assets, and liabilities. For clients in their 20s to 40s life insurance is a tool to replace income and payment of debts. A household with one bread winner, young children, and a mortgage has the largest need for insurance. Premature death can cause financial ruin for many families. Start with maximizing the insurance provided by your ...

July 23, 2021

Understanding inflation headlines

Inflation is nothing new, but has been the focus of recent financial headlines. Historically the price we pay for things increases over time. In 1970 the price of a candy bar was 10 cents, in 1980 an average model car would cost you $7,000. So what causes the price of goods and services to creep up over time? There are a number of factors that contribute to inflation. First, is an increase in production costs. Production costs could include the price of raw materials, increase in wages, or trade...

June 4, 2021

Understanding Shareholder Advocacy

The interest and investment in Sustainable and Responsible Investing (SRI) has grown tremendously in the last decade. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) funds received an inflow of $51 billion dollars in new money last year. As advocates of this strategy may already know, the shareholder advocacy approach focuses on leveraging the power of stock ownership in publicly traded companies to encourage environmental, social, and governance awareness and action. Shareholder advocacy has been a...

April 30, 2021

Tax Questions Answered


March 17, 2021

Sarah Hamilton in Market Values by Marie Beerens

Full Article Here...

February 22, 2021

Taxes in the Biden Era

The recent change in leadership has drawn focus toward a new approach to ending this pandemic. Although we look forward to a time when every citizen is vaccinated, and our economy can begin to heal, there are other aspects of a new presidency to keep in mind. Biden’s proposed tax plan will have some changes that may affect you and your family. During the last administration, we all adjusted to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Biden’s plan includes repealing some aspects of the TCJA for hig...

February 22, 2021

Giving Back in 2020

For many, the end of the year can spark focus on giving back. There are many methods of giving time, resources, and assets. For some, the act of getting involved is as rewarding as writing a check. In 2020, we are unable to feel the personal connection of volunteering our time and feeling the connective pulse of the community. For those looking to still find a way to give and also consider strategy and tax efficiency, there are plenty of customizable solutions. One approach that can be tax-advan...

February 22, 2021

Election Season

In the last 100 years, every president who averted a recession during this period was reelected. The results of the election may immediately have an impact on the stock market, but the economy will be impacted by more than a change in the White House. Speculation on nearing market volatility should not impact one's long term asset allocation. We may not need to draw attention to 2020 being an election year, or the impact of elections on the economy and the stock market. It is evident ...

November 2, 2020

Summer Slowdown & Impending Election

Oil prices continue to decline due to lack of demand, no hope for increase insight as we close on a summer with fewer family vacations. A drop in market-leading tech stocks like Amazon, Facebook, and Netflix last week is leading to more of a sell off after the holiday weekend. Companies like Lululemon, Slack, and Zoom are still benefiting from becoming the work-from-home essentials in 2020.Historically, a growing and steady market would lead to the best odds for the incumbent candidate...

September 30, 2020

Invest For Good

Investing with consideration for Environmental, Social, and Governance factors does not mean giving up return. Companies who pay attention to environmental, social, and governance factors can better manage risk which positively impacts their bottom line.  80 % of CEOs view sustainability as a way to gain competitive advantage.Traditionally, the idea of social responsibility through investing meant removing specific products, giving up returns, and taking a more values based approa...

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